Author: Attila Kovacs <attila[AT]>

Last updated: 2 April 2014

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

  2. Locating Scans
    • 2.1. By file names
    • 2.2. By scan numbers
  3. Automatic Pointing Corrections
    • 3.1. Setting an IRAM Pointing Model
    • 3.2. Differential Pointing Model
    • 3.3. Residual Pointing Corrections
  4. Extinction Correction

  5. GISMO-specific pixel divisions

  6. Glossary of GISMO-specific options

  7. GISMO-specific log quantities

1. Introduction

This document contains information specific to using CRUSH-2 to reduce GISMO data. It is assumed that you are already familiar with the contents of the main CRUSH-2 README (inside the distribution directory), especially its Section 1 (Getting Started).

If you run into difficulty understanding the concepts in this document, you will probably find it useful to study the main README document a little longer.

2. Locating Scans

GISMO scans are typically stored in a filing hierarchy, organized by source name, then an IRAM scan ID (itself composed of a UT calendar date and a scan number).

For example, files for scan 79 taken on 2010-04-12 (of Mars) are stored under


relative to the main GISMO data directory . Inside the scan directory, you will find several files. The ones ending with


contain the merged data, which can be reduced by CRUSH.

You can instruct CRUSH several ways how to locate your data. Your main options are either by their file names, or via a combination of object name, date and scan number. The latter approach is especially useful for specifying multiple scans taken on the same object, and over a handful of days, since it allows you to list scan numbers and ranges for convenience.

You can find a more detailed explanation below.

2.1 By file names

For single scans, it may be the simplest to specify the file name itself (especially if your OS or shell supports autocompletion). Simply give the file name, either as a fully qualified path name, or relative to the datapath setting. Thus,

> crush gismo /data/Mars/2010-04-12.79/[...]-GISMO-IRAM-condensed.fits


> crush gismo -datapath=/data Mars/2010-04-12.79/[...]-GISMO-IRAM-condensed\

are equivalent.

2.2 By scan numbers

When reducing several scans together (which is the recommended way to deal with datasets), it may be more convenient to use a combination of datapath, object, date and the scan numbers, and let crush find the desired data files based on these. E.g.:

> crush gismo -datapath=/data -object=NGC3627 -date=2010-11-08 32-39 43 \
              -date=2011-02-13 15 19-22 33

Of course, for each scan, or set of scans, you may add additional options such as pointing corrections (via pointing) or in-band opacities (via tau), or calibration corrections (via scale) etc.

3. Automatic Pointing Corrections

A major improvement offered since crush 2.04 is the ability to apply automatic pointing corrections, (a) via supplying a differential pointing model, and (b) calculating residual pointing corrections based on the pointing log. The combination of the two methods allows to reach pointing accuracies down to a few arcseconds. Below is a detailed explanation on how to use these methods.

3.1 Setting an IRAM Pointing Model

You can use the pointing.model option to specify a file containing the effective IRAM pointing constants. These are the P1 through P9 as decribed by Greve, A., et al. A&A, 115, 379, (1996), and the two Nasmyth offsets P10 and P11. Additionally P12-P16 contain terms with 2AZ dependence, and refraction correction. The argument of the pointing.model option should be a file containing all relevant constants, one per line. E.g.:

P1 = -3.15
P2 = -8.41
P3 = -0.18, -2.4, -4.2
P4 = 0.1, 17.5, 0.4
P11 = 1.0

As shown in the example above, each constant can have a single value to specify a static term, or a comma-separated list of 3 values for a time- variant dynamical model: the static term plus two dynamic terms, Pn0, PnC, and PnS, from which the pointing constant Pn is calculated for a given UT phase (in radians) as:

Pn = Pn0 + PnC * cos(UT) + PnS * sin(UT)

Such dynamical constants can be a powerful way to cyclical variations of the pointing model due to a daily cycle (e.g. temperature cycle or heating cycle by the Sun). However, if you rather stick to just the static values you can set pointing.model.static to ignore the dynamical terms even if those were defined.

The actual pointing correction calculated from the supplied pointing model are reported on the console output during the processing of each scan.

UPDATE: 31.01.2012

The new GISMO FITS format (ver 1.7) now includes all IRAM coordinate columns. As a result, crush uses the scanning offsets rather than absolute AZ/EL positions for mapping. This seems to solve the pointing problems experieced earlier, and provides excellent (<3" rms) pointing in both directions with static pointing constants only.

3.2. Differential Pointing Model

Instead of specifying the full pointing model, you can also use the pointing.model option to set incremental corrections relative to the model used by IRAM during the observations, if you set the pointing.model.incremental option as well. Then, for adjusting P4, P5, P10, and P11, the file could contain the lines:

P4 = 2.38
P5 = -6.12
P10 = -0.68
P11 = 4.30

Now, these values will be added to whatever pointing model was used during the observations to calculate pointing corrections. Otherwise, the behaviour is the same as described above.

In addition to the standard IRAM pointing model above, TX and TY define two linear temperature coefficients for the X and Y pointing respectively, such that TX = dX(arcsec) / dT(C), and TY = dY(arcsec) / dT(C).

3.3 Residual Pointing Corrections

You can also apply residual pointing corrections based on observations of nearby pointing sources. It is preferred that you observe pointing sources frequently, and preferably at least once withing 30 minutes of all your science scans, and withing 15 degrees distance on the sky. The more pointings you have and the closer they are in distance and time to your source, the more reliable will be the derived corrections, which are weighted by their relative proximity on sky and in time.

To apply residual corrections, use the pointing.table option whose argument should specify the pointing log file. Such log files, containing pointing information are automatically generated during GISMO runs. However, you should use an edited copy of this log, making sure to remove, or comment out, all entries with unsuitale pointings. E.g. remove all bogus pointing on very faint sources, where the automatic routine may hit a noise peak or spike rather than a real source. Remove also any pointing data on extended source, objects with multiple peaks or otherwise complex structure, etc.

For the option to work, the pointing log must contain certain mandatory columns, such as id, UTh, AZd, Eld, pnt.X, pnt.Y, src.peak, src.dpeak, and src.FWHM. Refer to the main README for details.

The residual corrections calculated from nearby pointing data are printed on the console during the processing of each scan, together with a quality indicator (qualities near or above 1 are considered good).

The residual corrections can be used together with a pointing model (which is the preferred way to use this option), in which case increments are calculated on top of the model predictions, or without a pointing model for an ‘absolute’ pointing correction. In either case, you can still specify an additional correction manually, if desired, via the pointing option, as usual. The total combined correction (pointing model, incremental correction based on pointing logs, and manual setting via pointing) are displayed during the scan processing for verification.

4. Extinction Correction

GISMO, being a 2-mm camera, typically operates with low atmospheric extinction. Nonetheless, properly accounting for the extinction is important for getting the calibration right. By default, CRUSH will reduce the data with a guesstimate of the in-band tau value, based on the last IRAM 225GHz radiometer measurement before the scan. The scaling of the 225GHz value to 2-mm passband is approximate, and is based on the CSO atmospheric transmission model of Juan Pardo. (Addition: during the 2011 April run, we confirmed that the opacity correction based on the radiometer and the atmospheric model works well even up to 10mm of precipitable water vapor, yielding ~7% rms blind calibration!!!)

You can also set an in-band zenith tau value based on your estimate directly, using the ‘tau’ option (see the GLOSSARY).

5. GISMO-specific pixel divisions

For a general overview of channel divisions, please consult Section 3. (Correlated Signals) in the main README document.

mux         A grouping of pixels based on their SQUID multiplexing scheme
            Each 4x8 pixel quadrant of the array is read out through the
            same SQUID amplifier. Therefore, it is not suprizing that 
            correlated signals are present on these quadrants. The
            decorrelating on 'mux' groups is default in GISMO reductions

pins        The GISMO multiplexing scheme is implemented in the time-domain
            Thus, the first channels of each SQUID are read out at the same
            time, followed by the second channel in each group etc. Thus,
            if there is any pickup of high-frequency signals in the
            multiplexing scheme, one could expect some correlated signals
            to be present on these virtual readout pin groups. There
            is little evidence for these, but the reduction of very faint
            compact sources may benefit from the additional decorrelation
            on these groups.
            You can group neighboring 'pins' together for decorrelation
            via the '' option, or the equivalent
            '' shorthand.

rows        Geometric rows of the array (it has 16 rows and 8 columns).
            You can also group n rows together for the decorrelation via
            the '' option, or the equivalent
            '' shorthand.

cols        Geometric columns of the array (it has 16 rows and 8 columns).
            You can also group n columns together for the decorrelation via
            the '' option, or the equivalent
            '' shorthand.

6. Glossary of GISMO-specific options

cols                @Alias: 'correlated.cols'
                    Specifies the grouping of channels by their geometric
                    location of the array divided into columns.
                    @See: 'correlated.<?>', 'rows'

date=YYYY-MM-DD     Specify the observing date (UT) in the format
                    YYYY-MM-DD. This is used for constructing the IRAM 
                    scan IDs by combining with scan numbers.
                    You also need to specify the 'object' and 'datapath' 
                    before CRUSH will be able to find scans by number.
                    @See: 'datapath', 'object'

mux                 @Alias: 'correlated.mux'
                    Specifies the grouping of channels by the SQUID 
                    @See: 'correlated.<?>'

object=<name>       Give the IRAM catalog name (case sensitive) of the 
                    observed object. Use together with 'datapath' and 
                    'date' to allow locating scans by serial numbers.
                    @See: 'datapath', 'date'

pcenter=<row>,<col>  @Expert
                    Specify the pointing center as a row,col combination 
                    on the array. There are 16 rows and 8 columns on the 
                    GISMO array, and the numbering starts from 1. Thus, 
                    the geometric center of the array corresponds to 
                    8.5,4.5. This option is not used (ignored) if pixel
                    positions are defined by the 'rcp' option (which is 
                    default). In those cases, the pointing center can be 
                    adjusted via the '' option.
                    @See: 'rcp', '', 'pixelsize', 'rotation'

pixelsize=<a>[,<b>]  @Expert
                    Specify the size of the pixels for calculating pixel 
                    positions based on a regular grid. A better way of 
                    setting the pixel positions is through the 'rcp' 
                    The argument can be either a lateral size (in arcsec) 
                    for square pixels, or two comma separated sizes for 
                    rectangular pixels.
                    @See: 'rcp', 'rotation', 'pcenter'

pointing.table=<file>       @Advanced
                            @Since: 2.04
                    Specify the reduction log file (produced via the 'log'
                    option) to use for applying incremental pointing
                    corrections base on the nearby pointing observations. 
                    You can use this option together with 'pointing.model' 
                    or separately. For more information see Section 3.2 
                    @See: 'pointing.model', 'pointing'

pointing.model=<file>       @Expert
                            @Since: 2.04
                    Specify a file containing differential
                    pointing constants (i.e. relative to those used by IRAM
                    during the observations). See Section 3.1 (above) for
                    details on the file format.
                    @See: 'pointing.table', 'pointing'

rotation=<deg>      @Expert
                    Specify the array rotation (in degrees), when pixel 
                    positions are calculated from a regular grid. A better 
                    way is to specify pixel positions via the 'rcp' option 
                    their rotation via 'rcp.rotate'.
                    @See: 'rcp', 'rcp.rotate', 'pixelsize'

pins                @Alias: 'correlated.pins'
                    Specifies the grouping of channels by their virtual 
                    pin numbers in the multiplexing time domain.
                    @See: 'correlated.<?>'<n>      @Alias: ''
                    Because there are only four SQUID multiplexers in 
                    GISMO, there is little redundancy among the pixels, 
                    which are read out at exactly the same instant. This 
                    option allows to group together <n> consecutive 
                    samples, to combine pixels read in some time-interval.
                    @See: 'pins'

rows                @Alias: 'correlated.rows'
                    Specifies the grouping of channels by their geometric
                    location of the array divided into rows.
                    @See: 'correlated.<?>', 'cols'

skipFWFix           @Expert
                    @Since: 2.15-2
                    During 2013 Oct/Nov we had lost some data due to 
                    firmware problems. Steve has attempted to reconstruct
                    as much of the affected frames as possible. At the same
                    the the reconstructed astrometry is flagged 
                    accordingly. Therefore, it is possile for CRUSH to
                    ignore the reconstructed data if the user wishes to do

SZ                  @Since: 2.15-2
                    Optimize reduction for the detection of Sunyaev-
                    Zel'dovich signals (decrements). The SZ option is 
                    really just a trigger condition for activating other
                    settings. Check the configuration files under
                    the gismo/ crush folder (esp. 'default.cfg) to see
                    what this does exactly.

tau.timezone=AAA    @Advanced
                    @Since: 2.15-2
                    Specify the timezone in which skydip lookup tables
                    were compiled. For example the table compiled by G.
                    Bruni for 2012 Nov were in 'CET' whereas the table
                    by Israel Hermelo for 2013 Oct/Nov is in 'UTC'.

ver=X               @Since: 2.11
                    Force setting the merge version to X, ignoring the
                    value stored in the FITS.

ver.[<range>]       @Since: 2.11
                    Set options for specific FITS merge versions. E.g.
                      ver.[<1.7] pointing.model=old.model

                    @See: 'ver'

7. GISMO-specific log quantities

bias                The detector bias value (for column 0).

foc.dX              Focus X offset (mm).
foc.dY              Focus Y offset (mm).
foc.dZ              Focus Z offset (mm).

modelX              Static pointing model correction in azimuth (arcsec).

modelY              Static pointing model correction in elevation (arcsec). 

nasX                Nasmyth X position of instrument.

nasY                Nasmyth Y position of instrument.

obstype             Type of observation.

rot                 Rotation of the instrument (deg).

stage2.biases       Second stage biases (4 integers)

stage2.feedbacks    Second stage feedbacks (4 integers)

stage3.biases       Third stage biases (4 integers)

stage4.feedbacks    Third stage feedbacks (4 integers)

tiltX               Azymuth pointing correction from inclinometer (arcsec).

tiltY               Elevation pointing correction from inclinometer 

Copyright (C)2016 – Attila Kovacs <attila[AT]>